Our Practice is registered with Medicare for “My Health Record”
My Health Record is an electronic summary of your health record. You and your healthcare professional who are authorised by participating healthcare organisations can access it online whenever you need from wherever you are.
Our practice can provide assisted registration for patients for “My Health Record”.
Frequently asked Questions?
How will my personal information be kept private?
Your “Health Record” is protected by existing and new legislation. Your records will also be protected by audit trails, technology and data management controls as well as security measures to protect against unauthorized access to your information.
How do I get a login and password?
You will be able to set up a user ID and password during your application to register for a “My Health Record”
Who has access to my login details?
No one else has your login details. You should keep them secret so that no one else can access your information.
Will I be able to see who has accessed or updated “My Health Record”?
Yes. You can see an activity history of your health record, which will show you when information has been added or removed. It will tell you which healthcare organisation has accessed your information. If you think somebody has inappropriately accessed your record you can call the helpline on 1800 723 471.
Will “My Health Record” be as safe as my current medical records?
Where is the data on “My Health Record” system kept?
Your health information is drawn from both public and private repositories, such as existing hospital data repositories. The Personally Controlled Electronic Record Act 2012 requires that all registered repository operators must be located within Australia and must not take or process records outside of Australia.
Who has access to “My Health Record”?
Only you and the healthcare organisations providing your care can access and add people to your record. You can choose to share your information with family members, carers or other trusted people.